
Enterprise News

Anhui Medical University Affiliated Hospital branch society of Jiu San Society come to Bozhou for a large gratuitous treatment.

Addtime:May.19, 2014      Source:admin

On May 18, in response to the national Science and Technology Week activities, Anhui Medical University Affiliated Hospital branch society of Jiu San Society organized more than 10 experts from the Affiliated Hospital to come to Bozhou for a large gratuitous treatment. The activity was sponsored by GYT, supported by Qiaocheng District Technology Bureau, Health Bureau and the propaganda department, and Zhang Guofang, vice chairman of CPPCC and chairman of the Federation of Industry and Commerce, attended the launching ceremony and expressed the congratulations, and Zhu Yun, Minister of the United Front Work Department from the Anhui Medical University and other leaders appeared on the site. The site for the gratuitous treatment was located outside the gate of GYT. The masses and the industrial park staff for the consultation, examination and treatment reached more than 500, having reached the aim of delivering health, science and technology.